General Questions... (b3148)

Running the new 3.2.0 software, I've noticed a couple of things to bring to your attention.

For background...I had started a new show and merged in EVERYTHING from an old show file. Wanted to make sure there was no old garbage being brought in from simply loading an old show onto the new software.

With 3.2, I have noticed about every 4 or 5 boots, the loading of the show will completely hang the console when the splash screen says "Desktop process loading..." I know DMX is flowing because the fixtures will all move to home, my startup macro starts it's countdown...but it just sits there, never actually loading the show and I have to do a full power down. Sometimes it will do this 3 or 4 times and then load the show finally. Other times, I've had to go in and load a backup file to get into the show. Like I said, this happens every 4 or 5 boots of the console.

I have turned off Autolaunch to see if that would help and it didn't.
I have deleted startup macros to see if that was the culprit and it didn't help.
Just can't seem to put my finger on why...

Also, every time I shut down, I end up with a "wait/kill" screen for a little while before it will actually shutdown the console.

Not show stoppers in any way, shape or form, but it seems odd.

It's the show file that Chris has...
  • Brad,

    as I have already mentioned in another thread of this forum, I am really a Wholehog advocate wherever and whenever possible. In some terms, it is the best console ever. And I do appreciate its advantages, but still it has some major flaws. We need to face the reality: if on the very day of 3.2.0 public launch, which was supposed to get rid of most of these flaws, a vulnerability serious enough to force me to downgrade to 3.1.9 is exposed in the software, I have no arguments. This festival goes GrandMA2 next year, no discussion. And now I am the one to blame for the 40+ secs DMX freeze, because I was the one who insisted on keeping it on Wholehog this year.
  • Brad,

    as I have already mentioned in another thread of this forum, I am really a Wholehog advocate wherever and whenever possible. In some terms, it is the best console ever. And I do appreciate its advantages, but still it has some major flaws. We need to face the reality: if on the very day of 3.2.0 public launch, which was supposed to get rid of most of these flaws, a vulnerability serious enough to force me to downgrade to 3.1.9 is exposed in the software, I have no arguments. This festival goes GrandMA2 next year, no discussion. And now I am the one to blame for the 40+ secs DMX freeze, because I was the one who insisted on keeping it on Wholehog this year.
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