BUG - Saving prefs, lights up dmx out.

When I runned a small show this weekend the stage became wery bright.
I was poking around with some default timings in preferences and when I pressed OK and the fader cues when't to max.
All things where in a released state when i changed the default timings in the preferences.


Programming Wing
Playback Wing
DMX dongle
  • Hey Christian. Got the show loaded up here today and taking a look. Looks like we are applying the virtual fader preference with any preference window change which is okay... but the problem is the virtual fader preference for the main playback bar should not override the hardware fader levels when the wing is attached. The reason the playbacks are going onstage in this case is because they are go off zero lists which means when the virtual fader preference inappropriately overrides the hardware fader levels the cues are executed because the fader has gone off zero. I am logging a bug right now. Thanks for your patience.
  • Hey Christian. Got the show loaded up here today and taking a look. Looks like we are applying the virtual fader preference with any preference window change which is okay... but the problem is the virtual fader preference for the main playback bar should not override the hardware fader levels when the wing is attached. The reason the playbacks are going onstage in this case is because they are go off zero lists which means when the virtual fader preference inappropriately overrides the hardware fader levels the cues are executed because the fader has gone off zero. I am logging a bug right now. Thanks for your patience.
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