3PC midi slaved to iPC master, but flying faders?....

I have a new Whole Hog iPC and a backup with widgets in a computer with 3PC running. I have successfully hooked them up now so that the board will fire midi out commands to the 3PC on the computer (with a $15 midi interface) and the 3PC will follow it with the cues running correctly, so have a slaved backup of the board so I could switch to backup if the board ever froze. But the virtual faders on the 3PC don't follow. Beause my show is pretty complex, if I ever had to flip the A/B switch, I would have to match the faders positions from the board to the computer virtual faders, but do it for every page of faders before I would be back to the same point in the show, and that cuold take a long time with a complex show, particularly if you can't remember them all off the top of your head.

In the Midi Windows there are windows about NOTE MAPPING and playback bars, is there any way to get these to make the faders on the 3PC track to the actual console?

Or any other way to do a true slaved backup?
  • Give the 3.2.0 release notes a quick read through....

    Also check out section 12.2.6 and 12.2.7 of the help manual:

    As fars as DHCP settings and so forth those can remain the same as you had before but I always recommend running static IP address as it provides the most consistent day to day operation...plus it prevents you from having to wait for network adapters to initialize and get an IP address from the DHCP server.
  • Give the 3.2.0 release notes a quick read through....

    Also check out section 12.2.6 and 12.2.7 of the help manual:

    As fars as DHCP settings and so forth those can remain the same as you had before but I always recommend running static IP address as it provides the most consistent day to day operation...plus it prevents you from having to wait for network adapters to initialize and get an IP address from the DHCP server.
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