3.2.0 Selection Bug

Yesterday I've found a selection bug in 3.2.0. For Example:
If you want to make 2 positions, 'Cross1' and 'Cross2'.
So you set the movers to straight, choose select odd, pan 30 degrees.
After that you select all the movers again, choose select even and pan -30 degrees. Now Cross1 is made.

After pressing Clear, select All movers again, press position 'Cross1', then press
- + Pan encoder to swap all the Pan postions.

What happens:
Only the Pan from the odd movers swaps.

After clearing the programmer, the console doesn't clear the odd/even selection.

Does this work the same as clearing grouping/buddying in the new software, and can you set this in the preferences?

Thanx for the help!
  • Hey Ronnie,

    We've actually solved the first part of this bug where only the odd movers swap pan on the first plus/minus+encoder swap. That was incorrect behavior. All the selected fixtures should invert their pan when this is done.

    ...And that might have been what was confusing you on the second part of this report because after clearing the programmer those fixtures should not longer be remembered as a part of any selection and since the odd/even mechanism only works within an existing selection there is no way it could be remembered because when you hit clear the programmer is blank and when then proceed to select 1
  • Hey Ronnie,

    We've actually solved the first part of this bug where only the odd movers swap pan on the first plus/minus+encoder swap. That was incorrect behavior. All the selected fixtures should invert their pan when this is done.

    ...And that might have been what was confusing you on the second part of this report because after clearing the programmer those fixtures should not longer be remembered as a part of any selection and since the odd/even mechanism only works within an existing selection there is no way it could be remembered because when you hit clear the programmer is blank and when then proceed to select 1
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