Road Hog and New Software shows...

Hi Guys,

As per Chris's post, I am in a position where I wrote a Show File on a Hog 3 PC, and need to load it into a Road Hog....

The Road Hog won't see the file, but won't load the new software update either.....

Can anyone advise how I can run this show on the Road Hog with this new show file in 3.2 whatever..... I can update the Road Hog, but the newest download the Road Hog won't accept...

  • Hi Cormac,

    Thanks for your response, hope your well - I always get confused with Hog 3 updates!

    I didn't realise that anything below 3.1.8 was not compatible with 3.2.0...

    Luckily I am going to do an Update on the console, to a nearer 3.1.9, I will be able to use the show file (hopefully), and also do a simple update on the console....

    Otherwise, its a full XPE software job on the console - and it won't load any shows older than 3.1.8!

    I THINK its fixed, I'll know when we get FOH Power.....

  • Hi Cormac,

    Thanks for your response, hope your well - I always get confused with Hog 3 updates!

    I didn't realise that anything below 3.1.8 was not compatible with 3.2.0...

    Luckily I am going to do an Update on the console, to a nearer 3.1.9, I will be able to use the show file (hopefully), and also do a simple update on the console....

    Otherwise, its a full XPE software job on the console - and it won't load any shows older than 3.1.8!

    I THINK its fixed, I'll know when we get FOH Power.....

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