RGB LED issue (3.2.1)

I'm having this same problem again that I reported back in 3.1.8 (and no one responded).


I added 216 RGB LEDs to my show (with an existing 30 RGB LEDs). The 216 new RGB LEDs will drop intensity in a 0 count when fading color, but ONLY when it's on a NEW list. If I change color within an existing list, it behaves as expected. As mentioned in the previous post, all timing is correct (and matches the existing Colorblasts), but it still drops to 0.

Funny enough, it's the same number of LED's that I added to the rig last time I had the problem. I have 30 Colorblasts (also using the Generic RGB LED profile) that operate perfectly. It's only when I added the additional 216 RGB cells that I start having the problem.

Universe 1 - Dimmers/Colorblasts
Universe 2 - Movers
Universe 3 - Movers
Universe 4 - Axon
Universe 5 - Movers
Universe 6 - Movers
Universe 7 - Added 108 RGB LEDs
Universe 8 - Added 108 RGB LEDs

I always program in CMY so I know it's not switching color spaces. I have cuelists that ONLY have color information in them (no intensity information at all) and it does the same things as long as they are separate lists. If I put the cues in the same stack, they operate correctly.

Hog 3
Expansion Wing
Playback Wing

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