2 sets of patching or call the DMX directly?

Dear all, I am completely new to HOG 3 PC.
I am a EOS programmer and familiar with the ETC, 520i and the MA consoles.

However, I am in a tour to cities of China (Using the HOG PC for both conventional and moving lights) and facing the problem of finding out the dimmer addresses after the lights were hung. (People here don't likes to make looms nor plug the same dimmers in different stops). I end up with rushing locating the dimmer numbers and patch to the channels.

For the EOS, there are functions called the 'address', that I could send signals directly to different DMXs.

For the older 520i, two sets of patches could be created and switched easily. (i.e. one set of one to one and the other set is for the show).

I spent some time to seek for either function mention above but fail..

Is there a better way to face this problem besides switching between show files?
  • ohoh...
    So does it mean there is no way I can find the dimmer number, do the patching and switching lights on/off (by Channel number) for focusing at the same time ..?
  • ohoh...
    So does it mean there is no way I can find the dimmer number, do the patching and switching lights on/off (by Channel number) for focusing at the same time ..?
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