Full Boar - Art-Net Patching


It appears that the implementation of the 12-Universe Art-Net limitation on the Full Boar is managed by not allowing the last four universes of a DP to be patched to Art-Net.

I would REALLY appreciate it if this were managed in a different way. I just spent an hour on site troubleshooting an Art-Net connection. I am using eight total universes, but I have them patched to 1-3, 5-8, and 16 in the DP for organizational purposes. The 'fixtures' on Universe 16 were not responding and it turned out that it would only work on Universe 12 or below.

I understand the reason for the 12-universe restriction, but this is an issue that will only cause problems for users. As long as you are not trying to process fixtures on more than 12 universes I think that you should be able to 'use' any universe you want.


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