DMX Superwidget still sends dmx....

I am having an issue with my Superwidget still sending DMX out to my lighting system after the HOG3PC 3.2.1 crashes. Usually it is a Windows 7 crash.

I have checked everything in the lighting system, and everything says it is still receiving DMX even if the computer is off. There is nothing else on that would be transmitting DMX in the system other than this computer.

We do run a backup HOG3PC console that uses the superwidget on this computer for running shows manually, however it is logged off and turned off prior to shutting down the main PC.

If I start the console back up after restarting the computer, then the widget releases and allows the console to take over again. If I shut down and there is no crash, then the widget releases control correctly.

If either Windows or HOG3PC crash, then I have to restart the computer before I can get HOG3PC to work correctly again, and sometimes the show file is corrupted and I have to load from backup.

I have gone through and deleted all of the show files and restored only the backups I need right now and I hope that helps.

Any thoughts or ideas?
  • Chris,
    I had one computer crash that had the wrong Elo touchscreen drivers loaded. Once I resolved that issue, I found out that the other crashes were being caused by a corrupted show file from the original crash. Since I deleted the show files and loaded the backups I have not had anymore issues except when someone does not shut down the console correctly. Then I go in, delete the show files and load the backups...
    So far I have not had any issues unless someone does something stupid... I am working on getting approval to upgrade from the Net2 system in the venue to a Net3 system with a DP8000 and a couple extra computers so if one computer crashes, another one can take over. That combined with a UPS on each system would keep the show up and running until I can get there. Or at least that is my hope...
  • Chris,
    I had one computer crash that had the wrong Elo touchscreen drivers loaded. Once I resolved that issue, I found out that the other crashes were being caused by a corrupted show file from the original crash. Since I deleted the show files and loaded the backups I have not had anymore issues except when someone does not shut down the console correctly. Then I go in, delete the show files and load the backups...
    So far I have not had any issues unless someone does something stupid... I am working on getting approval to upgrade from the Net2 system in the venue to a Net3 system with a DP8000 and a couple extra computers so if one computer crashes, another one can take over. That combined with a UPS on each system would keep the show up and running until I can get there. Or at least that is my hope...
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