I have worked my way from a stagehand to almost becoming a lighting intern next year. but I would like to ask everyone for some pointers to where the best website would be for me to start learning how to program a hog 3 system. Id like to start basic then work my way up so I can show my company how intrested I am in becoming a tech. Any help I could get would be much appreciated thank you.
Check the High End site. there are several videos out there. Download Hog 3 PC and start playing. Check the web, there are 3rd party videos out there as well. Check out light trainer.com - another great resource.
I agree with the "Read the Manual' comment. Esp because there is a great 'mini-tutorial' in the first chapters. After completing that, pick a favorite song, and program to that. Then pick a song from a different genre and do the same. Then do it again. The best advise is to practice, practice, practice.