Full Boar touch screen

I have a Full Boar with a touch screen connector that has come unplugged and has a broken wire. The wire has been repaired, but there are 2 places available to replug.

This is the right hand touch screen. Video display is fine, just no touch screen. I see the left screen connected to the far left connector. There are then 2 connectors available to its right. I don't know which one of them is correct.

I also have a road hog wing that doesn't display video. When I try to 'turn it on' in the control panel, it fails to stay selected. Happens with both output 1 or 2. Pretty sure that the cable is good, but I will test further today.

Consoles have been on an International tour for the last 2 months and have been getting bounced around a lot.


  • The iPC does not have an enternal restore like the Road Hog and the Full Boar.
    If you want to re-install the software you must perform a Full Install.

    On the Road Hog and Full Boar:
    Boot the desk with an exteranl keyboard attached
    When you see Windows boot manger hit the down arrow (you only have a few seconds before you move pass this window and on to Launcher)
    Then select Full Boar Restore
  • The iPC does not have an enternal restore like the Road Hog and the Full Boar.
    If you want to re-install the software you must perform a Full Install.

    On the Road Hog and Full Boar:
    Boot the desk with an exteranl keyboard attached
    When you see Windows boot manger hit the down arrow (you only have a few seconds before you move pass this window and on to Launcher)
    Then select Full Boar Restore
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