Pallette move and size issue

Hi, I`ve just upgraded our Hog PC to the latest software version. There seem to be a very complex logic to the sizing, moving etc..of the pallettes. Have any of you had the same problem.

When pushing the Pallettebutton you get Color Beam Group and Position.
I`ve got Color and Beam on the laptopscreen and Group and Position on the external screen. The odd thing is when I select Color - size (form the top menu), the Group pallette is resizing. The same thing happens with other windows, eg. Scene - when trying to move og size the scene pallette - the Group pallette moves and resizes.

Any thoughts?

  • Hi, all apperas the same - so I was thinking it had something to do with the screen setup - however I`ve been reconfiguring these (in terms of primary and secondary screen etc.) with no luck. I know of the focusing of the child window but when I focus Color - the Group still moves. There has been some development though. I can move whichever child window into its position when there is only ONE (ie. color) child window open. Then I resize and move, close and open Beam, do the same, close etc...until I just use pig+IFCB and record a new view. A bit tiresome....however, now I have all the view so now it is ok..however, it is something I`ve never encountered before

  • Hi, all apperas the same - so I was thinking it had something to do with the screen setup - however I`ve been reconfiguring these (in terms of primary and secondary screen etc.) with no luck. I know of the focusing of the child window but when I focus Color - the Group still moves. There has been some development though. I can move whichever child window into its position when there is only ONE (ie. color) child window open. Then I resize and move, close and open Beam, do the same, close etc...until I just use pig+IFCB and record a new view. A bit tiresome....however, now I have all the view so now it is ok..however, it is something I`ve never encountered before

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