3.2.X bug report : Update, IPCB, crash desktop ....


1 / When a cue is running ; if you update ( or merge) this cue which contain 2 fx, with different speed, you can observe a bug ........( the fx restart its cycle, instead of continuing the cycle ...

for example CUE 1 : Fx position and Zoom @ 0 on VL 3000, fx( different speed ) position or color on Studiocolors ..........run the cue 1 ........if you modify Zoom parameter on VL 3000 ( even if there is no effect on this parameter ), you can observe that the cycle of the fx is bad, when you press enter ( with auto update or merge )

This bug appears only if the speed fx parameters are different .....

2 / The IPCB masters, don't release properly......I need to use a macro ( to fade master @ 0 ).......note: " Remember vader value" is not active in the MISC

3 / Desktop crash sometimes when operating user created Led Fixtures .

Best Regards
