Road Hog Strange Crash

I'm having an issue with a Full Boar that has me baffled. Hopefully someone can help.

I am on the road with Yanni carrying a Full Boar with an IPC back up. Full Boar is running 3.2, IPC is running 3.19.

A month or so ago I had a hardware issue with the Full Boar (probably customs related going into Oman) which damaged the connector inside the console going to the right hand touch screen. It was resoldered in Oman, but the touch screen has not worked since. Video to it is fine, but no touch control.

But..that has led to a more difficult and perplexing problem. When I booted up the Full Boar with the Yanni show loaded following this repair, it stopped right before the 2 pigs snort smoke and freezes on a Windows error page on the right screen (I'm attaching image). Left screen shows the pig image, but at a distorted or weird resolution.

I have tried both full and partial restores. Console boots fine first time after a restore and will load the problematic show, but once I load any of my Yanni shows and restart or shut down, it will restart and go to the same error. If I do a restore and load a different show from the same USB stick or start a new show, all is OK, except for the non working screen. Any of these shows load and run fine on the IPC running 3.19.

My next step is to restore, start a new show, and merge in everything from my current Yanni show, but I hate to go through all that if it's not going to make a difference.

I believe that I can get a Hog III from my local vendor, so I can use theirs for my show, but this has me baffled.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,