Hog3PC and laggy dmx, strange touchscreen behavior


Yesterday upgraded my Hog3PC to 3.2.2 from 3.19 sadly it didn`t do much good.

My setup is

Hog3PC 3.2.2
2x playback wing
1x programmer wing
1x super widget

PC specs are Pentium4 3.2Ghz (not sure could also be a dualcore) and 3Gb of ram.

The first problem was a huge lagg in the dmx when adjusting values (fanning, colourpicker etc, and even just intensity when i had a huge number of the same fixtures)

second problem and most anoying was that when I tried to adjust te effect rate of a virtual cuelist (not on a master). Which is set on add release end cue, it immediatly released the cuelist where in 3.19 it was possible to adjust this level without releasing the cuelist.

I found out, its still possible in 3.2.2 after touching te cuelist and adjusting the rate quickly sweep to another place on the screen. Although this only worked occasionally, and also caused unwanted cuelists to be activated accidently.

Any heads up on these issues?

Thanks :hogsign: