You need to be a bit more specific if you are looking for any kind of real feedback. What type of problem are you seeing exaclty? What is your system config, software version, etc?
Ok. I have wholehog 3 desk. And when i put power on i have this bug sometimes. It can happen at the begging. My first idea was a HDD, and I have changed HDD on a new one, but bug still the same
OK. From the video it does appear to be harware related. Initially I would say the motherboard or somewhere in the wiring harness, but you can definitely see the BIOS post properly both times the desk starts.
Have you done a full image restore via CD? (This must be done with a HDD change.)
The desk had full image restore, and nothing connected.
i think it can be motherboard or cable problem, but it will be great if someone can say what kind of cable should i change first.
I always make a show server at my laptop to avoid freezing at showtime, but i really need to do something with this situation. This problem appear one time at 3 days (aprox)
Well if you were able to re-image and you are still seeing this problem, I would suggest calling support tomorrow morning to determine if the desk needs to be sent in for service. They will be able to give you an RMA number as well as a location to send it to.
Both the motherboard and the wiring harness are custom, so there is probably very little you can do safely on your own at this point.
The only other possibility I can see that might be happening is if the system is running a file system check on start up which is something we don't post progress for. If you have a chance turn on the desk and let it sit all the way up to 30 minutes and see if it doesn't move forward.