Cuelist sync and fixture/cuelist exclusivity?

I just did a show that I programmed the media ahead and gave it a dedicated cuelist. Then I programmed movers and conventionals in another stack. I ran into some difficulty keeping up with the programming needs and some values for the media server were tracked into the Light cuelist. I have three questions:

Is there some way to declare that certain fixtures are only accessible to certain cuelists?

Is there any way to sync between stacks that same way two consoles sync? (I go on cue 30, you go on cue thirty, if you don't have a 31, I just go and you remain the same.)

Or is there a better stronger way that you more experienced media programmers can suggest? I've got several years of movers and conventionals, but am squeaky-new to media and would appreciate help and advice.

Thank you,

Mark LaPierre
  • I find it is fairly common for programmers to keep "Media" in one cuelist and "Lighting' in another.

    There is no way to exclude fixtures from any given cuelist, you must do this with careful programming (for example using "selected" before recording cues).

    There is also no way to directly "sync" two cuelists. You can, however, do this with Comment Macros. Do this by determining one cuelist as the "Main" and put Comment Macros in every place you want to trigger a cue in the other list.

    I tend to do a lot of live music shows, so I often have a larger media list (since it tends to need to be more linear). Then my lighting list is much smaller and may only have 5 or 6 cues in it (Intro, Verse-1, Verse-2, Chorus-1, Chorus-2, etc....) that are used multiple times throughout a song. Then a bunch of manually tiggered cues in other lists to fill it out.

    Now all I have to do is put in Comment Macros to the "Media" list to trigger the proper lighting cue at any given moment.

    For touring this also makes updating/changing lighting cues much faster and easier, especially during festival runs or tours where you have a different lighting rig every day.

    You may find if you have more lighting cues than media cues that you want to reverse this and make the "Lighitng" cuelist the main one.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • I find it is fairly common for programmers to keep "Media" in one cuelist and "Lighting' in another.

    There is no way to exclude fixtures from any given cuelist, you must do this with careful programming (for example using "selected" before recording cues).

    There is also no way to directly "sync" two cuelists. You can, however, do this with Comment Macros. Do this by determining one cuelist as the "Main" and put Comment Macros in every place you want to trigger a cue in the other list.

    I tend to do a lot of live music shows, so I often have a larger media list (since it tends to need to be more linear). Then my lighting list is much smaller and may only have 5 or 6 cues in it (Intro, Verse-1, Verse-2, Chorus-1, Chorus-2, etc....) that are used multiple times throughout a song. Then a bunch of manually tiggered cues in other lists to fill it out.

    Now all I have to do is put in Comment Macros to the "Media" list to trigger the proper lighting cue at any given moment.

    For touring this also makes updating/changing lighting cues much faster and easier, especially during festival runs or tours where you have a different lighting rig every day.

    You may find if you have more lighting cues than media cues that you want to reverse this and make the "Lighitng" cuelist the main one.

    Hope this helps. :)
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