Macro touch screen weirdness

When using the keystroke macros I get a weird result when ever I playback a macro that involves a touch screen action.

When I playback the macro it is as if I drag my finger down the touch screen causing the window to scroll up very fast. This obviously makes no sense to the desk when playing back the macro. (It is also not what I do when I record the macro!)

I'm using a Hog PC system (XP, v3.2.2) with 3 external ELO 15" touch screens.

Can anyone help me with this?
  • Robin, our keystroke macro recording uses coordinates based on the resolution of the monitor to determine the coordinates of button presses and touchscreen events on screen within the parent windows of the Hog3PC application.

    In other words, you should be able to record keystroke macros in Hog3PC using any screen resolution that you want but it is important that after recording the keystroke macros that your main parent windows for Hog3PC and their respective sizes do not change or else the touch and screen press evens will be off and most likely not registered.
  • Robin, our keystroke macro recording uses coordinates based on the resolution of the monitor to determine the coordinates of button presses and touchscreen events on screen within the parent windows of the Hog3PC application.

    In other words, you should be able to record keystroke macros in Hog3PC using any screen resolution that you want but it is important that after recording the keystroke macros that your main parent windows for Hog3PC and their respective sizes do not change or else the touch and screen press evens will be off and most likely not registered.
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