Client Connection Problems

Wholehog III Console 3.2.1 (server)
Lenovo Tablet PC running Tablet Edition Windows XP (client)
Linksys Wireless N600 router w/ wireless N adapter

This is a combo I have been using for years without issues. Today, however, logs into the show without any problems. I am able to bring up a view and manipulate fixtures in the programmer, but once I try to merge into a running cue, I get a message that says:
"Database Commit Failed"
and none of the fixtures actually get merged into the cue.

Now, here's what I have done so far.
I have rebooted the main console.
Recycled the power on the DP8000.
Rebooted the Tablet multiple times.
Tried a new IP address on the WiFi adapter.
One other thing I did was connected the Tablet via a hard line instead of the WiFi. I do not have this problem with a hard line. So obviously there is some sort of hiccup in the WiFi connection, despite the fact that everything shows to be running and connected. At one point when I tried to do the merge cue, not only did I get the Failed message, but at the main console I got the attached message. This only happened one time.

Any thoughts?
  • Michael,

    I don't remember the server going offline. The main(server) console still had full control and never gave me any Database Commit message. This only happened with the client console. Also, I did restart the all the consoles and still had this issue, but as I stated in my 2nd post, after shutting down for the night and coming back the next day, all worked fine.
  • Michael,

    I don't remember the server going offline. The main(server) console still had full control and never gave me any Database Commit message. This only happened with the client console. Also, I did restart the all the consoles and still had this issue, but as I stated in my 2nd post, after shutting down for the night and coming back the next day, all worked fine.
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