Full Boar - Strange Happenings: Jumping Cues??

We are running a show with a Full Boar (latest software), and we have a macro that at the end of a song, automatically changes pages and goes to the setup cue of the next song. This typically works fine, but starting last night there were a few songs where the console would jump ahead to cue 2 after automatically going to cue 1 (there are no follows in the programming). It doesn't do it every time, but enough to be annoying. Thoughts?
  • Chris,

    I've seen odd issues with Comment Macros during Page Changes myself.
    When using a GM Comment Macro, I find it useful to specify the cue number as well as the master to help avoid any oddities.
    For example "GM 10/1" specifically fires Cue 1 on Master 10.

    ****EDIT*** Also try putting your GM Comment Macro directly into the Page as opposed to at the end of a cuelist. This can be done by viewing the Page Directory as a speadsheet and inserting Comment Macros there. You must turn on Restore Activity as well. This will make sure the console changes Page first and then fires any of the Comment Macros built into the Page after that. I've found this method to work more "cleanly" ****

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Chris,

    I've seen odd issues with Comment Macros during Page Changes myself.
    When using a GM Comment Macro, I find it useful to specify the cue number as well as the master to help avoid any oddities.
    For example "GM 10/1" specifically fires Cue 1 on Master 10.

    ****EDIT*** Also try putting your GM Comment Macro directly into the Page as opposed to at the end of a cuelist. This can be done by viewing the Page Directory as a speadsheet and inserting Comment Macros there. You must turn on Restore Activity as well. This will make sure the console changes Page first and then fires any of the Comment Macros built into the Page after that. I've found this method to work more "cleanly" ****

    Hope this helps. :)
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