update RoadHog Full Boar

Hi there.I am really new user of Flyingpig products and need some help to update the Full Boar if my company.I've lookink at the forun and i couln't find something like step by step instructions.if anyone can help me i would apreciate.
  • There are a couple of ways to do this. What version are you updating from? If the version is too early it requires a full restore which requires a little bit of walking through. If it is from a fairly recent build you can do it from the start up screen before you launch the show, by putting the Hog 3 PC download on a flash drive and pressing the update button on that start up screen. I will be happy to help you more if you need to do a full restore. Just email me at ealexander@biltmorebaptist.org.
  • There are a couple of ways to do this. What version are you updating from? If the version is too early it requires a full restore which requires a little bit of walking through. If it is from a fairly recent build you can do it from the start up screen before you launch the show, by putting the Hog 3 PC download on a flash drive and pressing the update button on that start up screen. I will be happy to help you more if you need to do a full restore. Just email me at ealexander@biltmorebaptist.org.
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