frequent crashing on 3.2.3

I am experiencing frequent crashing on the 3.2.3 build of the software. I have a Full Boar. I experienced crashing on 3.2.2 every once in a while usually once a week but would re-start and it would be fine. There are no particular key presses or routines I am doing that are causing the crashes but when I was doing a training class the other night the desktop stopped responding 4 times in a 30 minute period all while I was doing different tasks (demonstrating color change, programming a focus point, starting an effect, and connecting to WYG). I am having a lot of challenges with the RHFB hanging up when connected to WYG (not during a live show, just pre-viz stuff) anyway but that is a separate challenge. I am rolling back to 3.2.2 today until 3.2.3 is updated again unless a solution is found.

Any help is appreciated. When I have time, I may try re-download and re-install to see if there was a problem in the download.
