RHFB Crash

Setup Information
1x Road Hog Full Boar 3.2.3 b3367
1x USB Keyboard

I recently upgraded my Road Hog Full Boar to 3.2.3 from 3.1.5 going through a clean install. When I recreated the show I started with a blank show in 3.2.3 and merged in the information from the old show. Yesterday while programming the desk crashed twice and the only thing that would fix it was a hard reset.

At the time of the crashes the playback had some basic lists running and effects were either being driven by the playback lists or in the programmer. I would select a group of fixtures and then Highlight the group, put the cursor in ball mode, and scroll through the fixtures one by one using next/back (left click/right click). The crash occurred if I did all these steps in quick succession.

I didn't check if a dump file was created but the show file can be provided if necessary.
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