"Could Not Patch to Specified Output"

Software 3.2.3
IPC, Full Boar
(4) DP 8000s

IPC Console Net # 2
Full Boar Console Net #1
Server running on both.

Programming done on Full Boar. iPC logged onto show later in session.

Noticed that I couldn't view any of the patch in "Fixture Window" when I selected "View by DP". (jpg 6)

The patch was visible when I unselected "View by DP", (jpg 2), however when I actually tried to patch a fixture, all ports on all DPs showed 1 as the next available address (jpg 3), and when I tried to patch a desk channel at a known open address, I got the error: "Could not patch to specified Output Box" (jpg 4). Same behavior on BOTH consoles, Net #1 and #2.

Logging out BOTH consoles, and restarting server restored Fixture Window / Patch.

Is this expected behavior, that I just haven't run into before?
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