Bug - Color Wheel Update failure

RHFB 2.3.2
USB Keyboard
No network connection

I'm trying to build palettes using the spreadsheet,using a collection of Studio Spot 575s and Mac 2ks. I can record the CMY color just fine but when I set a color on the color wheels for the 575s they won't record or update the palette. However if I manually set the the values using the encoders everythig works.
  • Eric

    I am guessing you meant to type 3.2.2 as your software
    Just tested this with a new show and I am not seeing what you are seeing.
    My palettes are recording and updating correctly.
    I will need to spend more time on this to find the problem.
    In the meantime, can you please upload your showfile?

    And provide me this the repro you are using.
  • Eric

    I am guessing you meant to type 3.2.2 as your software
    Just tested this with a new show and I am not seeing what you are seeing.
    My palettes are recording and updating correctly.
    I will need to spend more time on this to find the problem.
    In the meantime, can you please upload your showfile?

    And provide me this the repro you are using.
No Data