Make a fader common for all pages.


This is a trick I've seen on GrandMA's and I would like to know if it is possible on the Roadhog.

For exemple, I set the fader 10 as an intensity master for my group of wash.
But if I go to page 2, it disapears. That's normal so far.

What I want, is to make this fader common to all pages. Just like the Grand Master fader. This way, I can always have my intensity fader ready to be adjusted.

I could record the group of wash in each page but it is very long to do. Isn't it an easier way to do it ?

Thank you very much for your help. (sorry about my english, I hope you understand it all)
  • [QUOTE=wavelength;59790]What I'm looking for is a similar option as the GrandMA (I can't remember the name of that function). Kind of a parameter of the master which makes it available on each page with only one manipulation.

    But maybe it doesn't exists on Roadhog.

    On MA youwould use the FIX command. To "fix" a Sequence to all Pages.

    On Hog-3 you create a Template Page and put any Lists you would like on Masters there.

    The big difference in how this works between the two desks is:

    - On MA the Sequence you FIX, which will essentially "overwrite" any other Sequences on any other Pages in that Executor position. If you then "un-fix" the Sequence the ones that were "overwritten" do not "re-appear" and must be re-assigned

    - With Hog-3 your Template Lists live on every Page on their assigned Masters until you decide to Move a new List "on top" of one of the Template ones. If you then Delete the new list from the "top" the Template List "re-emerges" from "underneath".

    Personally I much prefer the Hog method of this functionality.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • [QUOTE=wavelength;59790]What I'm looking for is a similar option as the GrandMA (I can't remember the name of that function). Kind of a parameter of the master which makes it available on each page with only one manipulation.

    But maybe it doesn't exists on Roadhog.

    On MA youwould use the FIX command. To "fix" a Sequence to all Pages.

    On Hog-3 you create a Template Page and put any Lists you would like on Masters there.

    The big difference in how this works between the two desks is:

    - On MA the Sequence you FIX, which will essentially "overwrite" any other Sequences on any other Pages in that Executor position. If you then "un-fix" the Sequence the ones that were "overwritten" do not "re-appear" and must be re-assigned

    - With Hog-3 your Template Lists live on every Page on their assigned Masters until you decide to Move a new List "on top" of one of the Template ones. If you then Delete the new list from the "top" the Template List "re-emerges" from "underneath".

    Personally I much prefer the Hog method of this functionality.

    Hope this helps. :)
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