Make a fader common for all pages.


This is a trick I've seen on GrandMA's and I would like to know if it is possible on the Roadhog.

For exemple, I set the fader 10 as an intensity master for my group of wash.
But if I go to page 2, it disapears. That's normal so far.

What I want, is to make this fader common to all pages. Just like the Grand Master fader. This way, I can always have my intensity fader ready to be adjusted.

I could record the group of wash in each page but it is very long to do. Isn't it an easier way to do it ?

Thank you very much for your help. (sorry about my english, I hope you understand it all)
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;59794]
    - On MA the Sequence you FIX, which will essentially "overwrite" any other Sequences on any other Pages in that Executor position. If you then "un-fix" the Sequence the ones that were "overwritten" do not "re-appear" and must be re-assigned

    Hey Marty
    don't wanna drag the thread any farther for it's not a Grand Ma forum but to be precise when you unfix a sequence the overwritten sequences are still there and consequently don't need to be re-assigned. It's more or less like the hog template despite being list based versus page based.
  • [QUOTE=Marty Postma;59794]
    - On MA the Sequence you FIX, which will essentially "overwrite" any other Sequences on any other Pages in that Executor position. If you then "un-fix" the Sequence the ones that were "overwritten" do not "re-appear" and must be re-assigned

    Hey Marty
    don't wanna drag the thread any farther for it's not a Grand Ma forum but to be precise when you unfix a sequence the overwritten sequences are still there and consequently don't need to be re-assigned. It's more or less like the hog template despite being list based versus page based.
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