V3.2.3 Video Redraw

Is there another lingering bug with 3.2.x with video redraw again? The screen redraws are painfully slow with the newest release. Literally, can click set to name a cue list and its 2 - 2.5 seconds before the window draws and the keyboard appears. This seems to travel to any of the palette windows and even when setting attributes in lists like the effects window. Changing views is a multi-second process now.

V3.2.3, Hog III, 2 external ELO touch screens (1280x1024), Full Size Wing, DP8k.
  • First, both monitors are 17" ELO, thus at a resolution of 1280x1024 ... if I reduce the resolution to 1024x768, the problem is by far less of an issue, but then, that makes the screens run at a non-optimal resolution, thus blurry, and loosing a signifiant amount of screen area.

    My screen layout is as follows:

    Ext Left
    Top Left (Cuelist directory)
    Btm Left (Position directory)
    Right Side (Colour Directory)

    Int Left
    Beam Directory

    Int Right
    Left Side (group directory)
    Right Side (chosen Master)

    Ext Right
    Top (Programmer)
    Btm Left (Effects Engine)
    Btm Right (Effects Directory)
  • First, both monitors are 17" ELO, thus at a resolution of 1280x1024 ... if I reduce the resolution to 1024x768, the problem is by far less of an issue, but then, that makes the screens run at a non-optimal resolution, thus blurry, and loosing a signifiant amount of screen area.

    My screen layout is as follows:

    Ext Left
    Top Left (Cuelist directory)
    Btm Left (Position directory)
    Right Side (Colour Directory)

    Int Left
    Beam Directory

    Int Right
    Left Side (group directory)
    Right Side (chosen Master)

    Ext Right
    Top (Programmer)
    Btm Left (Effects Engine)
    Btm Right (Effects Directory)
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