Show won't load or merge

Doing this on Hog PC 3 , v3.2.2.

I am trying to load a show from a year ago that was saved on a Hog III probably running 3.19. I get a server init failure when trying to load the show.

I also tried merging into a new show. It goes through the copying files window and then just goes back to the choose source show window. Current library is 4.2--. Library of show I'm merging from is 4.1--.

I do not have access to a real console until a couple of days before I actually need this version of the show, May 20.

Any suggestions?

  • Hi Bud,
    here are some of the older versions of Hog III PC.
    What was the original name of the extension name of the showfile? Was it .gz or .shw?
    As far as i know shows created before 3.18 and some 3.19 will not load correctly with the current software v3.23.
    Here are some of the legacy versions of Hog III PC which may let you open the original showfile.

    Here is another post that has the hog init failure which may have some useful information.

    Regards Cormac
  • Hi Bud,
    here are some of the older versions of Hog III PC.
    What was the original name of the extension name of the showfile? Was it .gz or .shw?
    As far as i know shows created before 3.18 and some 3.19 will not load correctly with the current software v3.23.
    Here are some of the legacy versions of Hog III PC which may let you open the original showfile.

    Here is another post that has the hog init failure which may have some useful information.

    Regards Cormac
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