Roadhog crash issue

Recently I´ve expirienced some very unfortunate, and unexpected problems with two different Roadhog consoles.

They´re both loosing contact with the programming part, the playback part and the touch screens. Either one of the above, or all of them, at the same time. The console does this numerous times, before freezing up completely.

I´ve had this problems several times the last month, and have been wondering what causes this serious issues.

The other day, it became quite clear what caused them, which is making this even more disturbing. The radios used in the venue is clearly freaking out the console badly. When radio silence, the console works as it should, no problems at all, but when I receive a call on the radio, the playbacks fall out for instance, and as the radio ends its send, the console comes back, and «finds» the playbacks, giving the known flash in all keys, as if you connected an external wing.

At first I was shure this was caused by a loose cable or connection inside the console, but I´m now 100% positive, this problem is directly related to the radios.

The radios are Hytera digital radios. I´ve never had problems with this before, and never even heard of it. Has anyone experienced similar problems with digital wireless com before?
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