Is there a way to prevent a cue list/fader from auto releasing should all parameters programed on that cuelist are Parked?
Ex. Program a VL3500 to 100%, Full Cyan, and at 20%pan, 30% Tilt. [Record] on Fader 2. (Creating Cuelist 1). Push [Play] on that Fader and [Clear] Programer side.
-VL3500 is now in position that you programmed.
-Select that VL3500 again. Push [LIVE] then [TOUCH]. Select [MORE] then [PARK]. You just grabbed all active parameters of that VL3500 and parked them.
-Notice now the cuelist has released it's self.
Yes I know there is the 'Persist on Override' option per cuelist. But is there a way, upon me 'Unparking' the parameters, will return the cuelist to an Active Play state?