Bug(?) report

Hi guys
First off - running hog 3 (3.2.3) with DP8000 and mini wing

So, I've come across some weirdness in my showfile..I have a template page with a strobe stack on fader 9 (main board) and moles on fader 10...The stacks go something along the lines of :all, floor, front @ full.
On some songs(pages) the faders seems to jump to full, triggering either on the page change or when scrolling (using play) through the stack

On other occasions the lists don't seem to "engage", the cue will be running, but pressing the flash button doesn't bring up the intensity, but does register on the screen

It seems to happen at the same time during the show, but I'm not 100% sure on that
  • Hi Marty,

    I have the restore activity enabled, but only utilising comment macros, triggering the setup cue for each song and "fading" the main song list to 100

    While it is also quite possible that it's an issue at my end, I can't for the life of me figure out (other than the usual) what would cause the strobes to not fire on flash when the correct cue is running and why it only does this on some songs when it's the same list

    To stop the strobe and the moles from firing on page changes, I added a FM9/0 and FM10/0 to the page macros...However, in one song for instance when changing the current mole cue using comment macros in the main list, the moles jump to full. This is with the faders down, the only way to release the intensity to hit the flash button, bringing the faders to full and zero does not help...

    I have used similar methods for a few years now, but this is the first time I've come across this issue..
  • Hi Marty,

    I have the restore activity enabled, but only utilising comment macros, triggering the setup cue for each song and "fading" the main song list to 100

    While it is also quite possible that it's an issue at my end, I can't for the life of me figure out (other than the usual) what would cause the strobes to not fire on flash when the correct cue is running and why it only does this on some songs when it's the same list

    To stop the strobe and the moles from firing on page changes, I added a FM9/0 and FM10/0 to the page macros...However, in one song for instance when changing the current mole cue using comment macros in the main list, the moles jump to full. This is with the faders down, the only way to release the intensity to hit the flash button, bringing the faders to full and zero does not help...

    I have used similar methods for a few years now, but this is the first time I've come across this issue..
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