Quick change type.

I am doing the festival run at the moment and going through the joys of merging in local rigs.
As much as i love the change type functionality somedays where you turn up with minutes to spare it would be nice to have a change type by slot position function.

What i mean by this is mainly relating to gobo palletes, when you change type it looks for similarly named gobos to update but if none are found the pallet does not change, it would be nice if you could change type by gobo slot rather than name so at least you have something there and you can tweak it during the show.
Also it would be nice to have an option to remember fixture specific pallets even if you no longer have them in your patch so when you change type to a VL2500 one day and a mac2K another when you encounter a VL2500 again the information is already there. I currently have about 15 different fixtures as "Pallete Savers" in my patch and its getting messy.
  • cormacjack

    I totally agree with everything you said but unfortunately the show I am running was created as a full production show using every possible attribute of the original fixtures.
    I always try and pre-do as much as possible before we get on site to save time but there are always the inevitable curveballs thrown at you. I never change type from the original fixtures but replicate then change type, its just a shame the palette updates i make are lost when i remove them fixtures for the next show. that is why I leave one fixture in the patch list to save having to keep updating for the same fixtures.
    It would be nice if there was a neater way of remembering certain fixture palletes

  • cormacjack

    I totally agree with everything you said but unfortunately the show I am running was created as a full production show using every possible attribute of the original fixtures.
    I always try and pre-do as much as possible before we get on site to save time but there are always the inevitable curveballs thrown at you. I never change type from the original fixtures but replicate then change type, its just a shame the palette updates i make are lost when i remove them fixtures for the next show. that is why I leave one fixture in the patch list to save having to keep updating for the same fixtures.
    It would be nice if there was a neater way of remembering certain fixture palletes

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