Robe 1200 LED tips.

Hi All, We have just received our first shipment of Robin 1200 LEDS, I am putting together a show for next week and playing around with Mode1. patched and working no worries, got it to do most things i want it to but am having great difficulty trying to get the outer ring to go white and strobe whilst say the blue remains on the rest of the rings not strobing. kind of want the looks in lists to continue doing what ever in whatever col, then do strobe stabs thru the col on the fly from the programmer using blind or highlight or something like that to execute.. kinda got it happening with a white step effect of sorts.. Any guidence to where i am going wrong would be greatly appreciated.. on a on a RHFB. Cheers, Benny..
  • [QUOTE=Hugovd89;60939]Why not use 2 masters 1 with your standard (colour) cue's and 1 with your strobe cue's.

    set the standard cuelist to "persist on override"

    and your strobe cuelist to "IPCB" and give it a higher priority.

    I'm not sure if this is what your where looking for?

    Thanks for the Tip.. I would do something like that if i had wings, But the main problem with this option is that the strobe in the Lib i have strobes all the rings at once, and from what i can work out you can't strobe just one ring, also we have no wings so faders are very precious.. But for now maybe fast effect will have to do.. Hopefully one day we shal have the wings.. cheers..
  • [QUOTE=Hugovd89;60939]Why not use 2 masters 1 with your standard (colour) cue's and 1 with your strobe cue's.

    set the standard cuelist to "persist on override"

    and your strobe cuelist to "IPCB" and give it a higher priority.

    I'm not sure if this is what your where looking for?

    Thanks for the Tip.. I would do something like that if i had wings, But the main problem with this option is that the strobe in the Lib i have strobes all the rings at once, and from what i can work out you can't strobe just one ring, also we have no wings so faders are very precious.. But for now maybe fast effect will have to do.. Hopefully one day we shal have the wings.. cheers..
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