Some fixtures work from cue, but not programming console

Hi, we have some LED lighting fixtures that are behaving strangely.

With Blind off I cannot get the LEDs to turn on if they are off, or off if they are on when entering commands on the programmer. But other lighting fixtures do turn on or off when addressed.

In the Cue list if we go to where the lights are turned on we can see them being addressed in the cue, and they do turn on and cycle through color combinations as expected.

Then when we advance to the cue that sets the intensity to 0% for these fixtures the LEDs do not turn off!

If we Goto cue 1 the LEDs DO turn off, but there is no explicit addressing of the fixtures in Cue 1 that I can find.

Again, if I am at Cue 1 and I try to enter 300 @ 100, for example, the LED does not turn on. Of if I am paused at the cue where the LEDs are cycling issuing 300 @ 0 does not turn them off. (Obviously issuing more than the 300 fixture number).

What should I look for to identify the problem? Again the lights are being controlled somewhat, but not fully.

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