Question about Show Merging via Network

I have a server console running a show on Port 6601.
I want to start another show on another console on Port 6602, but I want to, somehow, merge palettes from the 6601 show to the new show on 6602. Here's what I thought I could do:
On the 2nd console, I log into the show on port 6601 as a 2nd server. After the consoles sync, I have that show on the 2nd console's hard drive. Next, I log off and then set the Port# to 6602 and start a new show. Once the show loads, I goto Merge Show and find the show file that I just got from port 6601, but when I attempt to Merge the show, I get this message:

"Cannot merge shows or libraries with different major revision numbers"

What is odd about this is that these shows were all created using the same library. Matter of fact, when this didn't work, I just went to the 1st console and made a backup show file and put it on a flash drive. Went back to 2nd console and ran the SHow Merge using that file without any issues.
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