Mac 700 Lamp Power

Hi all

Noticed on a gig this week using Mac 700s there is a lamp power option which the default power of the lamp is 50%. Now when you select 100% and save it to your show it uses the same control channel as fixture reset, lamp on/off and strobe channels.

The problem for me came when the next day I couldn't strike or reset the rig because this channel was parked for the full power.

I'm wondering what the point of this full power setting is, because if you use the channel for anything else like strobing or control you loose the 100% lamp power.

Am I missing something?
  • This a really more of a Martin question than a Hog question.

    Typically though, control channel options are last-action. You don't need to leave the control channel parked in high power mode all of the time. You select the "700 watt" mode, then return the control channel to the neutral position. It will remain in high power mode until told otherwise.

    So, rather than parking the control channel, use a startup macro to put all of your fixtures in high power mode at startup and then return to the neutral position.
  • This a really more of a Martin question than a Hog question.

    Typically though, control channel options are last-action. You don't need to leave the control channel parked in high power mode all of the time. You select the "700 watt" mode, then return the control channel to the neutral position. It will remain in high power mode until told otherwise.

    So, rather than parking the control channel, use a startup macro to put all of your fixtures in high power mode at startup and then return to the neutral position.
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