PC hog 3.2.6

Hi, i have installed 3.2.6 on my windows 7 and everything working good,
accept i can't get any contact with my dimmer... moving, led, smoke, video server working but not the dimmer? Need some help.
I have celco fusion dimmers, something i can do?
Now something new happening, if i do channel 50@50% in the Pc Hog3 software nothing happening... but i turn of the program
with that value channel 50@50% then the channel starts? but the software is off!?

What to do? is the DP8000? before i used the DP2000 no problem.."internal."

  • Hi Rob,
    Are you plugging the DMX straight from the Hog PC into the Dimmer or are you using a DMX opti Split?
    Try using an opti split in line before you plug the DMX cable into your dimmers and see if that helps

    -Start a new show and patch only your dimmer rack and connect your Hog III PC directly to your dimmer and see if you can get it to work beofre you add all of the other universes.

    Best C
  • Hi Rob,
    Are you plugging the DMX straight from the Hog PC into the Dimmer or are you using a DMX opti Split?
    Try using an opti split in line before you plug the DMX cable into your dimmers and see if that helps

    -Start a new show and patch only your dimmer rack and connect your Hog III PC directly to your dimmer and see if you can get it to work beofre you add all of the other universes.

    Best C
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