PC hog 3.2.6

Hi, i have installed 3.2.6 on my windows 7 and everything working good,
accept i can't get any contact with my dimmer... moving, led, smoke, video server working but not the dimmer? Need some help.
I have celco fusion dimmers, something i can do?
Now something new happening, if i do channel 50@50% in the Pc Hog3 software nothing happening... but i turn of the program
with that value channel 50@50% then the channel starts? but the software is off!?

What to do? is the DP8000? before i used the DP2000 no problem.."internal."

  • I think your problem is a dimmer mode issue, and I *don't* think this will solve your problem but throwing it out there as something to try...

    How long is the DMX run from widget to dimmer?

    I was in one venue where it was a long home run, and the widget powered off a laptop didn't have enough 'oomph' to get there. We solved using either a full console or Opti-iso splitter (sorry, this was YEARS ago, can't remember which solution worked for us, but I know we narrowed it down to the widget. If we took the widget backstage with only a 10' home run to dimmers, it performed fine.)
  • I think your problem is a dimmer mode issue, and I *don't* think this will solve your problem but throwing it out there as something to try...

    How long is the DMX run from widget to dimmer?

    I was in one venue where it was a long home run, and the widget powered off a laptop didn't have enough 'oomph' to get there. We solved using either a full console or Opti-iso splitter (sorry, this was YEARS ago, can't remember which solution worked for us, but I know we narrowed it down to the widget. If we took the widget backstage with only a 10' home run to dimmers, it performed fine.)
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