Wireless Remote

Ok, So I got a bit burned this last weekend, (1) we had been doing rehearsals
for two days strait, (2) I could not really see the stage,
SO can any one tell me the most cost effective way to set up a wireless
remote for my HOG3 or roadhog, = what to buy ? I am in the US
  • Depending on the level of "focusing" you're doing, if you don't need encoders (for movers) and just bringing up channels, you can do it with TouchOSC using a USB Midi device on your Mac. It's REALLY easy with Mac.

    However, if you're doing movers, the best (and really only way) with Hog3 is to have a PC client. I use Bootcamp/Parallels all the time. For basic focusing, I've always just done parallels with a programming wing.

    Here's the TouchOSC templates I made for Hog 3. These are for iPad.
  • Depending on the level of "focusing" you're doing, if you don't need encoders (for movers) and just bringing up channels, you can do it with TouchOSC using a USB Midi device on your Mac. It's REALLY easy with Mac.

    However, if you're doing movers, the best (and really only way) with Hog3 is to have a PC client. I use Bootcamp/Parallels all the time. For basic focusing, I've always just done parallels with a programming wing.

    Here's the TouchOSC templates I made for Hog 3. These are for iPad.
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