I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or not but I haven't been able to find a way around it.
I am running a Wholehog 3 console and Hog3PC in full tracking backup, OS version 3.2.6.
There seems to be an issue with clock-stamped cues since I started running in full tracking backup compared to running the hog3pc as just a client to the hog 3 console. First I start up the hog 3 console and load my showfile. Then I connect hog3pc to the hog 3 over the network. I have one cue list that only contains all of my "scheduled" events for the day. When I look at it on my hog 3 console, all of the clock times are correct. However, if I look at the exact same list on my hog3pc, the times are all 5 hours earlier. This creates a problem in that both systems run the cues at their own scheduled times, instead of being at one time the way they are supposed to be, so I have everything that is supposed to happen once a day happening twice a day 5 hours apart. I have tried changing the timezone 5 hours earlier on the hog3pc to attempt to line them up but it makes no difference. Also the Hog 3 console now no longer seems to have the time zone option available so I can't try adjusting it there.
If I change the times in Hog3PC to be later, to be in sync with the console, the cue times on the console all move later as well. So I'm really not too sure how to get these two devices to see the times as the same. It is really perplexing.
Any ideas/suggestions, or is this indeed a bug that needs to be fixed? The only way I can avoid this problem right now is to stop using full tracking but I prefer having it as this console has completely locked up twice in the past month and I don't trust it anymore without a proper backup.