Clear slow response

Hog 3.2.3 running hogpc laptop and hog 3(both as servers) w dp8000

In the last week my show has been acting very weird. When I'm done programming fixtures in the programmer I merge them into my cue. When I hit clear some times it takes about 5 seconds till it clears. Sometimes it jumps back to the previous levels for a few seconds then to the new levels. This has been happening about 5 hours into the day of programming. When it starts to happen I log out with the hog 3 and it starts to log out but then throws up a splash screen that asks if I want to wait or kill process(it says something above that but don't remember). The hogpc shuts down ok.
Where should I start trouble shooting???
Thanks in advance!!

In case it's related:
There's also a bug I've had forever(on many show files) and that's when I'm dealing with fixtures w sub intensity or perimeters when I merge what I've programmed in a cue, clear it then select the fixtures i just merged and suck the perimeters in the programmer it the go back to what it was before the previous merge. I have to do a work around and merge everything twice.

the only other note I have is I have a fixture that I merged in(PRG OHM)
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