Moving Things Between Shows

So at my work, we have a Road Hog Full Boar.:hogsign:

We have two different shows, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to transfer scenes/cues between the two shows.

Ex. I built a cuelist for our trackspot bolts to have a moving laser effect in one show, and instead of remaking the cuelist in my second show, is there an easy way to import or copy it into there?

Also, When you invert pan/tilt it applies for just that fixture in that show correct? Or will affect other shows? Also, is there any easy way to invert lights in a show with out going into fixtures and manual doing it there?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide!!

  • [QUOTE=Chupippomink;68209]
    Also, When you invert pan/tilt it applies for just that fixture in that show correct? Or will affect other shows?
    Correct, only for that fixture and only for that show file.

    Also, is there any easy way to invert lights in a show with out going into fixtures and manual doing it there?
    You can 'invert' a light for a single cue by hitting the "flip" soft key.

    You also invert the lights globally either at the fixture's menu (in most cases) or at the console.

    SETUP -> PATCH. (turn OFF 'view by DP mode') In the fixture window you can invert pan, tilt or swap axis for each fixture. This Will affect previous programming. But if all of your cues are referencing position palettes, update the palettes and you should be mostly okay.
  • [QUOTE=Chupippomink;68209]
    Also, When you invert pan/tilt it applies for just that fixture in that show correct? Or will affect other shows?
    Correct, only for that fixture and only for that show file.

    Also, is there any easy way to invert lights in a show with out going into fixtures and manual doing it there?
    You can 'invert' a light for a single cue by hitting the "flip" soft key.

    You also invert the lights globally either at the fixture's menu (in most cases) or at the console.

    SETUP -> PATCH. (turn OFF 'view by DP mode') In the fixture window you can invert pan, tilt or swap axis for each fixture. This Will affect previous programming. But if all of your cues are referencing position palettes, update the palettes and you should be mostly okay.
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