Midi Notes help

I'm trying to use an APC-40 as a midi controller for Hog3. Testing to see if I can make it work before I decide to buy a Nano4. I'm torn between all the "pc" controllers from the big boys.(ma, hog, avo, martin, chamsys...)

If I can get Midi Notes to work smoothly and simply, Hog wins, hands down.

I haven't been able to find a walk through that works for me. Any points in the right direction?
  • This is certainly for busking style.

    Usually I fill a screen with virtual playback bars and touch each to connect to main Go and play lists that way. I also use scenes that fire multiple go cuelist macros. I would like to connect some of them to physical buttons.

    What can I say, I like physical buttons. Its uncomfortable to hover oddly above a touch screen instead of having buttons I can feel before I fire them. Let alone rapid firing cues on a touch screen is not ideal at all. Multiple cuelists together is even more of a pain.

    The new "kind" keys are a nice addition. I noticed they weren't pageable. ie.different setups recorded to their own selectable page(s). It seems like I may be able to build a macro to change them on the fly easily, but would be a hellava macro to build. Whole lotta trial and error.

    I love that the buttons on the screens are resizable now in H4. You can have a ton of buttons available now. I would love to see that upgrade drift to H3

    I understand why they don't make it possible to use outside gear, but I can plead and wish. DMX-IN would be my greatest desire. I recently used an Avo Pearl as a wing for my MA2 using DMX-IN. It was hideous and glorious! I would love to set up a festival using a Hog4 with an MA2 as my wing. I'd tell all the guest LD's its best used that way, then brag about the Hog.

    But it does seem simple enough to implement at least having comment macros available for each midi channel not just one at a time.
  • This is certainly for busking style.

    Usually I fill a screen with virtual playback bars and touch each to connect to main Go and play lists that way. I also use scenes that fire multiple go cuelist macros. I would like to connect some of them to physical buttons.

    What can I say, I like physical buttons. Its uncomfortable to hover oddly above a touch screen instead of having buttons I can feel before I fire them. Let alone rapid firing cues on a touch screen is not ideal at all. Multiple cuelists together is even more of a pain.

    The new "kind" keys are a nice addition. I noticed they weren't pageable. ie.different setups recorded to their own selectable page(s). It seems like I may be able to build a macro to change them on the fly easily, but would be a hellava macro to build. Whole lotta trial and error.

    I love that the buttons on the screens are resizable now in H4. You can have a ton of buttons available now. I would love to see that upgrade drift to H3

    I understand why they don't make it possible to use outside gear, but I can plead and wish. DMX-IN would be my greatest desire. I recently used an Avo Pearl as a wing for my MA2 using DMX-IN. It was hideous and glorious! I would love to set up a festival using a Hog4 with an MA2 as my wing. I'd tell all the guest LD's its best used that way, then brag about the Hog.

    But it does seem simple enough to implement at least having comment macros available for each midi channel not just one at a time.
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