Help please.. v3.1.9


Wonder if anyone can help me, im trying to re-install an earlier version of Hog3 software onto my hog3... at the moment its running the latest software(need to run on a DP2000... for some reason the desk isnt reading the iso file??? anyone else had problems like this?? i have burnt image to disk, but its not seeing it??

Hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance!
  • If you look on the CD in a PC and only see the .iso file, the CD did not get burned correctly. You may try again with the instructions found at the link below. I recommend using Deep Burner as it is easy to use. There is a link to it included.

    If you are confident the CD is burned correctly, you may test the CD drive on the console by saving shows to a CD and then opening them back on the console.

    When selecting YES to the erasing all shows comment during the procedure, if it jumps back to the main menu, it is not seeing an image on the CD. It may be the CD or it may be the drive/cables.
  • If you look on the CD in a PC and only see the .iso file, the CD did not get burned correctly. You may try again with the instructions found at the link below. I recommend using Deep Burner as it is easy to use. There is a link to it included.

    If you are confident the CD is burned correctly, you may test the CD drive on the console by saving shows to a CD and then opening them back on the console.

    When selecting YES to the erasing all shows comment during the procedure, if it jumps back to the main menu, it is not seeing an image on the CD. It may be the CD or it may be the drive/cables.
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