Hi All,
Hoping someone out there can help me out. I'm trying to email troubleshoot an installation that is using a hog 3 console and a DP 8000 running 3.2.6 and a DP 2000 in artnet mode being used as an output expander for the 8000. It seems that someone reset the 2000 to factory defaults, and I'm now having to talk them through putting it back. The only problem is that I can't remember off the top of my head how the 2000 deals with artnet subnet/universe addressing. I see there being three basic options and if any one could tell me which it is that would be incredibly helpful.
In all of these scenarios I'll be looking for universe 9 of the DP8000 which I have fictitiously set to Subnet 1 Universe 0
Option 1 - The DP2000 has subnet and universe options and it reads the same Subnet 1 Universe 0
Option 2 - The DP2000 has only a universe number which starts at universe 0 it would read universe 16
Option 3 - The DP2000 has only a universe number which starts at universe 1 it would read universe 17