fixture (export) problem

Hi guys,

I'm going to sketch the complete situation, maybe I'm doing stuff wrong:
I recently bought a full boar console and I've been trying to customize everything for my needs at the moment.
This is mostly updating the fixture library, but this is time consuming.
I'm actually a bit disappointed in the fixture library (I used to use daslight, so maybe I'm just pampered)
To start, there are always 3 libraries you need to have all the fixtures available at the moment (if I'm not mistaking? Uncommon, fixture and custom) and these do not include special fixture which you can find on the FTP server. Is it not possible to import 1 package with everything, and update it after some time?

Now, since most of the fixtures I use are not in the fixture library (some are chinese, but also my briteq bt250 spots I cannot find, nor cameo bars), I'm trying to build some fixtures myself (mostly the chinese ones) rather than requesting every single fixture. I've read the manual and post here so I decided to build the fixture on Hog3 Pc and make a backup of the show.
I've made a show starting with the custom library to minimize the loading time. But when I merge the show on my full boar, I can only see the custom fixtures and not the user created? I can find them when I merge it on to an other show on hog3 PC but not on the console.

I don't know what I'm missing, but I'm not fond on building all my fixtures on the console.

  • I don't think anyone is really fond of fixture building, especially the undocumented or poorly documented Chinese fixtures. We usually find some relatively similar fixture and load that into the fixture editor and start with that. Good Luck
  • I don't think anyone is really fond of fixture building, especially the undocumented or poorly documented Chinese fixtures. We usually find some relatively similar fixture and load that into the fixture editor and start with that. Good Luck
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