I own a RHFB 3 and got me a spare Hog 3 with DP2000 recently.
The hog had V3.2.6 installed which obviously didn't work with the V3.1.9 version of the DP2000.
So I had to do a full install of version V3.1.9 on the Hog 3.
I dowloaded the ISO .zip file, unzipped it and burned it as a an ISO on a CD-R (don't know if a DVD also would work).
I started up the console, hitted "Pig", untill the bios menu loaded. I putted the cd-r in the console.
I choose Full install, pressed yes when he asked me if I was sure to erase all showfiles.
After this he went back to the first menu. I did the process again and the screen freezes.
When I wanted to do a normal boot after this, I only got a black screen with the "III" logo. So the consoles does not boot up anymore.
I tried many times to do a full install, but no other result than mentioned.
When I wait a minute and press full install again it does not freeze but goes back to the first menu.
It looks like it can not read the cd or does not want to do a full install.
What can I do to get it running again, on V3.1.9 off coarse?