Help!? Trying to create personality for 7-channel RGB LED

I bought 5 Venue ThinPar 64 LEDs (which are apparently generics). I have them set to 7-channel DMX mode, the channels are 1=RED, 2=GREEN,3=BLUE,4=COLOR MACROS,5=SPEED/STROBE,6=MODE,7=DIMMER

Of course the device wizard doesn't have this personality so I tried to create one but I can't get it to work right. I follow the instructions in the manual but can't get the appropriate channels to work. 

Like, for Offset 1 I press Bump 1, which says it's assigned to intensity on the board, but it should be the red channel. Then when I press the 2nd bump it says it's assigned to tilt, and every other bump is assigned to some movement function (except for 4 which you can toggle between red/blue/green).

Does any of this make any sense? I can set it to 3-channel but still can't figure out how to set the personality.

In case you haven't noticed, i'm completely new to this game. Forgive my ignorance please.

  • If you look closely at the console you'll see that every bump button has an attribute name printed next to it:1 is Intensity, 2 is Pan, 3 is Tilt etc.

    When you're making your own personality template, pressing "Bump 1" is the way you tell the console "The selected DMX offset is Intensity".

    Turn the left-hand dial to pick the DMX offset (in this case 1 thru 7), then hit the Bump Button that is labelled with the attribute that DMX channel should control.

    For the colour mixing, the first press of the Hue bump (4) will be Red, the second time gives you Green etc.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:16 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 14 2012]
  • You're swell! I've got it almost working. I can control intensity, the effects and the pre-set color settings. the only thing I can't figure out is how to do the color mixing. The personality has Offset 1 set to Red, 2 to Green and 3 to Blue, but when I go to Device Select, Param 1 the only bumps that light up are all the other channels, not the RGB sliders. How do I do that?

  • I think you missed a step - the console needs to know which kind of colour mixing your fixture has.

    When editing a User Personality there's an option called "MIX" (shown in the left-hand LCD).

    Hit [More] to toggle that between [None], [CMY], [RGB], and [RAGB].
    You want it set to [RGB].

    (After making a change to the User Personality you'll need to repatch it to 'confirm' the change.)

    Then you can control the colour mixing using the "Hue" and "Sat" faders.

    - For a quick check, select the fixture and press [Color] to see the automatic Color Palettes. If they're all white, then none of the selected fixtures have colour mixing. If there is a rainbow of selections, at least one of them does.

    If the colours in the automatic colour palettes don't roughly match the real output then there's a mistake somewhere (eg CMY instead of RGB, two colours swapped over etc)

  • OK, I think I have it working now. I guess I thought there was independent RGB mixers for each color, but I figured out it is Hue/Saturation.


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