Replacement SmartFade power supplies - what to look for

I found, what appears to be the exact power supply that comes with the SmartFade for a dirt cheap price. HOWEVER, the end that plugs into the console is a millimeter too narrow!

I'm not concerned that my $5 purchase didn't work out, however, I would like to know what specs to look for if I don't want to pay for the "international" plug that ETC sells.


  • The correct answer, courtesy of ETC Engineer Colin Beranek, is:

    The Smartfade power connector is a standard 2.5mm x 5.5mm connector. The key is more the length of the barrel (the silver part that actually plugs into the console); that part needs to be about 14mm long to plug into the old (non-locking) connector.

    That simple piece of size information solved my problems. Of course, it may be a standard size, but it's hard to find without having to buy bulk lots.

  • The correct answer, courtesy of ETC Engineer Colin Beranek, is:

    The Smartfade power connector is a standard 2.5mm x 5.5mm connector. The key is more the length of the barrel (the silver part that actually plugs into the console); that part needs to be about 14mm long to plug into the old (non-locking) connector.

    That simple piece of size information solved my problems. Of course, it may be a standard size, but it's hard to find without having to buy bulk lots.

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